The bigger picture, © Daisy Jacobs

Trickfilmreihe Klappe auf!

16 Tage gegen Gewalt an Frauen* und Mädchen*

Donnerstag, 26. November 2020 - 7. Dezember 2020
"Klappe auf!" - eine Kooperation aus entwicklungs- und frauenpolitischen Organisationen - zeigt eine Trickfilmreihe zum Thema Gewalt gegen Frauen* in der „Care-Arbeit“.

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Ausbeutung und Menschenhandel in der Erntearbeit

Arbeitsbedingungen in der Ernte – Zunahme von Ausbeutung und Menschenhandel im Zeichen von Corona?

Bericht des VIDC/IOM Workshops im Rahmen der Konferenz „Menschenhandel im Zeichen von Corona“ der österreichischen Task Force Menschenhandel, 14. und 15.11.2020

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© Stefania Prandi

Exploited and unprotected: Agricultural workers under Corona

By Stefania Prandi and Pascale Müller

Stefania Prandi and Pascale Müller have investigated the working conditions of thousands of agricultural workers all over Europe, which have drastically worsened through COVID-19.

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Clinic in Rwanda, ©IPPF/Jane Mingay

“Global COVID-19 recovery plans need a gender audit.”

An interview with Annette Mukiga by Nadja Schuster (VIDC)

A. Mukiga, expert on gender and development, sheds light on the impact of the pandemic on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Rwanda and discusses ways towards a feminist response.

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© ahustudio

No Peace without Women - Frauen an den Verhandlungstisch in Afghanistan

Von Waslat Hasrat Nazimi

Wie nachhaltig kann Frieden ohne Einbezug von Frauen sein? Im 20. Jubiläumsjahr der UN Resolution 1325 "Frauen, Frieden und Sicherheit" kämpfen Frauen in Afghanistan um stärkere Teilhabe bei den Friedensverhandlungen.

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© neeraj chaturvedi/Alamy

Cyber Violence against Women and Girls is increasing – particularly in times of COVID-19

By Barbara Brečko and Nicholas Spetsidis

During the pandemic, the use of the Internet has increased between 50 % to 70 %. What consequences did lock-downs and restrictions have on cyber violence? The CYBERSAFE Project by WAVE addresses violence on the Internet.

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Kein Friede ohne Frauen

Bericht von der Podiumsdiskussion am 22. August 2020

Die Diskussion stand ganz im Zeichen des 20. Jubiläums der UN-Resolution 1325 zu Frauen, Frieden und Sicherheit und war Teil der Konferenz von AKIS „20 Jahre Banu – Erstes unabhängiges afghanisches Frauenmagazin“.

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Naya Rajab, Syrian refugee in Lebanon

Vulnerability Amplified: a glimpse into the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on LGBTIQ people around the world

By Amie Bishop / Outright Action International

In this global pandemic, LGBTIQ persons, due to pre-existing stigma, discriminiation and exclusion, are hit particularly hard, as a new global study by the human rights organisation Outright Action International shows.

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Women protesting for tax justice in India.

Tax justice and gender in the face of COVID-19

By Caroline Othim

Tax systems are not gender-blind, nor is the current health and economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 outbreak. Policy responses have to include a gender perspective.

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Medical examination during the COVID-19 pandemic in Yemen.

Peace is the Prerequisite. On COVID-19 amid the War in Yemen

By Somaja Al Thawr

The COVID-19 crisis has worsened the humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen in the midst of the ongoing armed conflict. Yet, NGOs such as Women4Yemen continue to fight for peace.

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