Afrika Club Sahel © VIDC

Africa Club 2024

D.R. Congo and the Great Lake Region

In this exciting and informative Africa Club we discussed the escalating conflicts, the humanitarian crisis and the (new) scramble for minerals in the DR Congo.

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Towards tax justice: African Group's pivotal role in UN Tax Convention negotiations

By Aleksandra Wojewska

The African Group, as well as the civil society networks, see the shift of global tax governance from the OECD to the UN as a necessary step to correct structural imbalances between the Global North and the Global South.

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Afrika Club Sahel © VIDC

Afrika Club 2024

Shifts in the Sahel. Assessing the Economic and Political Impacts of Coups and Governance on Regional Alliances, Currency Policy and Mining

The discussion comprised three main blocs: the debate around the currency CFA Franc, the development within the mining sector, and the implication for regional alliances like ECOWAS and their relations with the EU.

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Panel © Minitta Kandlbauer

Africa’s struggle for climate justice

Climate activism, Africa’s right for energy and Europe's double standards

Report of the panel discussion from with Hamira Kobusingye (climate activist, Uganda), Yacob Mulugetta (Univ. College London), Elfriede More (Ministry for Climate) and Francesca O'Brien (People's Summit).

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Salvation through third countries? How the EU neighboring countries should solve our asylum and migration dilemmas

Report from 8 April 2024

Migration researcher Judith Kohlenberger, lawyer Neva Övünç Öztürk and Karl Kopp from PRO ASYL in Germany discussed the reform of the "Common European Asylum System" with moderator Ilker Ataç.

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My body, my choice! Abortion rights and care. Lessons Learned from Poland, Austria, Mozambique

Report of the online workshop on 30 November 2023

The workshop focused on the nuanced landscape of abortion laws and practices, examining case studies from Austria, Mozambique, and Poland. Experts from the three countries gave insight.

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[Translate to English:] © Joana Adesuwa Reiterer

Voices Uprising

Report about the film "Voices Uprising" and a panel discussion

The film director Joana Adesuwa Reiterer presented a documentary about youth protest and police brutality in Nigeria. It was followed by the panel discussion "The impact of profiling of Black People worldwide".

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A Feminist Foreign Policy - real change for women and girls

By Ann Linde, former Foreign Minister of Sweden, FEPS Special Advisor on Foreign Affairs

In her speech at a VIDC event in the Austrian Parliament Ann Linde advocates for a Feminist Foreign Policy since women and girls – half of the population - still do not enjoy the same rights, representation and resources.

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©niekverlaan, Pixabay

Can private finance save the planet?

Exploring the role of private finance in green transitions in Africa.

Report of the webinar from 24 October 2023, with Joseph Matola (SAIIA, South Africa), Ann Pettifor (political economist and author, UK) und Prof. Fadhel Kaboub (Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity, Kenya).

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A Letter from Yene

A letter from Yene & Terra Mater - Mother Land

Film screening and discussion as part of this human world

Tuesday, 5 December 2023, 18:00 - 20:00 hrs
Top Kino, Großer Saal, Rahlgasse 1, 1060 Vienna
Film screening and discussion about the effects of the climate crisis on the African continent.

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