Below our names you will find information about how we like to be addressed and the pronouns we use. We want to set a good example and point out that people's gender identity is not determined by their names or physical appearance. Gender-appropriate language is important and we look forward to a lively, respectful communication with you.
Pronouns: she/her
Tel.: +43 1 713 35 94 - 68
division manager at kulturen in bewegung and responsible for coordination, conception and finances.
She has worked in management for artists in the independent scene (dance, theater, performance) and as a producer for film and media. For festivals such as Szene Salzburg, Tanzquartier Wien and Wiener Festwochen she realized community projects and productions in public space. From 2017-2023 she was company manager of the performance group Liquid Loft. She studied international economic relations in Eisenstadt and Brussels and cultural management in Barcelona.
Pronouns: she/her
Tel.: +43 1 713 35 94 - 31
responsible for project development at kulturen in bewegung.
She studied educational science and sociology at the University of Innsbruck and has a master's degree in urban sociology from the University of Amsterdam. She gained experience in educational and counselling institutions in the fields of migration, inclusion and anti-discrimination. At the European city network EUROCITIES, based in Brussels, she worked in project management and project financing. At Innsbruck City Library, she was responsible for event conception, public relations and digital marketing. In 2024, she completed the Cultural Management certification course at the Postgraduate Centre of the University of Vienna.
Pronouns: he/him
Tel.: +43 1 713 35 - 32
responsible for art and cultural mediation projects with focus on diversity and equality at kulturen in bewegung.
In addition to his artistic activities, he has been active as an event organizer since 2015 and designed the cultural programme in the former Brick-5 cultural area from 2017 to 2021, where the focus was on performance, theater and contemporary experimental music. In collaboration with choreographer Hygin Delimat, he founded the performance series “Craft Choreography” and subsequently initiated the concert cycle “12TON - Dialogue of Generations”. Together with the operator of the music label Affine Records, he runs the cultural association Erbsenfabrik - Labor für Kunst und Kulturproduktion. In cooperation with the Vienna City Gallery Walk, he also curates the format “Imago Sonus”, which explores the interfaces between visual art and contemporary composition. He studied contemporary composition at the Anton Bruckner University and transdisciplinary art at the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Pronouns: she/her
Tel.: +43 1 713 35 94 - 61
project manager at kulturen in bewegung, responsible for the conception and communication of art and cultural projects focusing on music and global exchange.
She has promoted artists in the international music industry, organized concerts and was involved in the conception, organization and implementation of the three-day LIDO Sounds Festival as part of the project management team. She is also active as management and as a label for musicians and music projects. Den nächsten Satz direkt dran bitte. She studied Media and Communication Science and Musicology at the University of Vienna.
Pronouns: she/her
Tel.: +43 1 713 35 94 - 30
responsible for public relations at kulturen in bewegung.
She holds a BA degree in Communication and Design from Bilkent University in Turkey and is
currently pursuing a master's degree at the Institute for Theater, Film, and Media Studies at
the University of Vienna. Previously, she worked in various Turkish media organisations,
including newspapers and advertising agencies. Additionally, she has worked as a student
assistant at the Institute for Theater, Film, and Media Studies at the University of Vienna.
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