
"Blickwechsel", is VIDC's podcast for a another, a new look at the world. With this Podcast we want to bring those voices into the spotlight that we rarely hear in Austria: Activists and scientists from the Global South; people who come from our focus regions, who are directly affected, with whom we collaborate on events or studies. Who have an insight that we don't have, whose views open up new perspectives for us.

Sybille Straubinger, Director of the Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation, guides this Podcast. The VIDC is a think tank founded in 1962 by the later Chancellor Bruno Kreisky together with prominent politicians of the so-called Global South. Being in dialogue, always on the basis of equality and respect, and making the voices from the South heard in Austria (and not talking about them), that is the basic premise of our work - and of this Podcast.

About Tax Justice

Taxes are essential for states - especially those with lower incomes - to generate revenue, finance expenditures, and redistribute wealth within and between states. They are probably one of the most important means of creating a more equal and just society. For a long time, civil society networks, such as Tax Justice Europe, have therefore promoted fair, transparent, and progressive tax systems, at the national and the international level.

In this podcast episode Sybille Straubinger talks with Tove Ryding, the Policy and Advocacy Manager for Tax Justice at the European Network on Debt and Development (EURODAD) and Martina Neuwirth (project officer and tax expert at VIDC) about what has been achieved so far and what is still needed for more tax justice, and furthermore, what the European Union and Austria could do.