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Feminist Foreign Policy in Reality Check

Perspectives from Afghanistan, Iran and the Middle East

Tuesday, 15 October 2024, 18:00-20:00
Festsaal, Diplomatic Academy
The possibilities and realities of feminist foreign policy with regard to the countries of the Middle East.

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Podcast: About Tax Justice

VIDC Director Sybille Straubinger speaking with Tove Ryding (European Network on Debt and Development) and Martina Neuwirth (VIDC) about national and international tax justice.

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“Who Speaks for Whom, Volume 5”

Presentation and panel discussion

Thursday, 10 October 2024, 18:00
Diplomatic Academy Vienna, Favoritenstraße 15a, 1040 Vienna
This event is the conclusion of the AEWTASS project on “Optimizing the representation of Africa” in Austrian textbooks.

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Current situation in Gaza and the West Bank — a Palestinian perspective

Nur Arafeh interviewed by Magda Seewald

A Palestinian researcher and scientist describes the current situation in Gaza and the West Bank and shares her perspective on reconstruction and the political future of the Occupied Palestinian Territorities.

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Afghan Women's Campaign to Recognize Gender Apartheid as a Crime Against Humanity

By Nazila Jamshidi

In October 2023, 100 prominent jurists and civil society leaders urged the international community to codify gender apartheid as a crime against humanity and in March 2024, the End Gender Apartheid Campaign was launched.

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Towards tax justice: African Group's pivotal role in UN Tax Convention negotiations

By Aleksandra Wojewska

The African Group, as well as the civil society networks, see the shift of global tax governance from the OECD to the UN as a necessary step to correct structural imbalances between the Global North and the Global South.

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New fairplay factsheet - "Gender & sexual diversity in sport"

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kulturen in bewegung

Authentically Plastic – electronic DJ, producer*, artist*, performer*, essayist* from Kampala, Uganda will work in the Artist in Residence program by kulturen in bewegung in May, June and September.

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kulturen in bewegung