Justice for Mahsa Amini, © shutterstock/Alex Yeung

“Women, Life, Freedom” a new revolutionary era in Iran

Why is it important to talk about recent women's protests in Iran?

These fights, which began with the tragic death of Mahsa (Jina) Amini prompted Iranian women to take to the streets and speak out against the Islamic regime's anti-women decrees.

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© Banoo Sweets Store

A guide to Afghan women employment opportunities

A survey conducted before the Taliban took over Afghanistan on 15 August 2021, and updated a year later.

In the first half of 2021, we researched women-led businesses in ten provinces of Afghanistan. A few months after the regime change, VIDC looked at which of these initiatives were still active.

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Stils auf Untravel

Klappe auf!

Animated film evening as part of the 16 Days against Violence against Women* and Girls*.

Monday 28 November 2022, 19:00 - 20:30
ArtSocialSpace Brunnenpassage, Brunnengasse 71 / Yppenplatz, 1160 Vienna
This year with a selection of short films on the theme of flight and war.

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[Translate to English:] Konferenzteilnehmerinnen

Syrian Women Leading the Change

Public event on 6 October 2022

Syrian activists* from all over Europe met in Vienna to exchange and network about their work, their daily challenges.

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“Afghanistan's Strong Women”. One year of resistance against Taliban rule

Event from 3 October 2022

The Second President of the National Council, Doris Bures, hosted an evening of support for the struggle of women for equality and freedom in Afghanistan with VIDC and Women without Borders.

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Photo: #4: Life under the Taliban, © Anisa

#4: Life under the Taliban

The monster is back

In Afghanistan, 15 August marks the anniversary of the Taliban's complete takeover. Anisa tells us how the dreams of women and girls have been shattered every day since then.

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Trapped women – a story of Poland’s war on personal freedom, safety and dignity

By Eliza Rutynowska

Very restrictive abortion laws in Poland leave women in unwanted pregnancies all alone in their struggle for their safety, dignity, health and often their very lives. This is also the case for raped Ukrainian refugee women.

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Afghanistan im Schatten des Ukraine-Krieges

Von Ali Ahmad und Michael Fanizadeh (VIDC Global Dialogue)

Aufgrund der zunehmenden humanitären Notlage und Hungersnot in Afghanistan (fast 50% der Bevölkerung) hat das Danish Refugee Council und VIDC Global Dialogue eine Konferenz der afghanischen Diaspora in Brüssel einberufen.

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The EU and protection of women's rights in Afghanistan

On 19 and 20 May, the second Afghan Women Leaders Forum (AWLF) took place in Brussels. Nazila Jamshidi attended the forum and provides insights into the current EU policy towards Afghanistan.

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@ Ali Ahmad

#3: Life under the Taliban

"The university is closed. Go home!"

Gender expert Nazila Jamshidi spoke with the sisters Atena and Mina in Herat, whose dreams as students were shattered overnight.

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