© shutterstock/Tolga Sezgin

“I would like to see stronger connections among the mainstream opposition, the women's movement and the LGBTIQ movement”

Berfu Şeker in an interview with Michael Fanizadeh (VIDC Global Dialogue) about the elections in Turkey

Turkey has a very vibrant civil society that has repeatedly challenged the rule of the AKP. An important part of this opposition is the women's, feminist and LGBTIQ movements in Turkey.

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Woman, Life, Freedom. Afghan and Iranian women fight for their right to freedom

Report from 27 April 2023

Women have taken the lead in protest movements in Afghanistan and Iran, showing incredible bravery and resilience in the face of hardship and deprivation.

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Fight for the rights of Afghan women. AKIS conference in cooperation with VIDC

Report from 11 March 2023

To discuss the oppression of Afghan women by the Taliban and the challenges in the diaspora, the Afghan Cultural Association AKIS organized a conference in Vienna.

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Kateryna Cherepakha, Zvezda Vankova © Sybille Straubinger

Labour market integration of displaced persons and refugees as prevention of human trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation?

Report of the VIDC Workshop as part of the conference "No Future for Trafficking" of the Austrian Task Force on Combating Human Trafficking

The workshop focused on the analysis of the potential for easier and faster access to the labour market in reducing the risks of Trafficking in Human Beings and concludes with six recommendations for key stakeholders.

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Manual with practical exercises in the context of gender sensitization in the work with refugees

The manual is based on experiences with a gender tandem workshop program for Afghan men and women. The exercises encourage people to reflect on their own gender role perceptions.

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Paula Banerjee und Pato Kelesitse © OXUS TV

Climate Change Causes Flight?!

Event from 10 November 2022

At the same time as the 27th World Climate Conference took place in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, the changing climate and associated natural disasters were also the topic of a panel discussion organized by VIDC and WIDE.

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Justice for Mahsa Amini, © shutterstock/Alex Yeung

“Women, Life, Freedom” a new revolutionary era in Iran

Why is it important to talk about recent women's protests in Iran?

These fights, which began with the tragic death of Mahsa (Jina) Amini prompted Iranian women to take to the streets and speak out against the Islamic regime's anti-women decrees.

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© Banoo Sweets Store

A guide to Afghan women employment opportunities

A survey conducted before the Taliban took over Afghanistan on 15 August 2021, and updated a year later.

In the first half of 2021, we researched women-led businesses in ten provinces of Afghanistan. A few months after the regime change, VIDC looked at which of these initiatives were still active.

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Stils auf Untravel

Klappe auf!

Animated film evening as part of the 16 Days against Violence against Women* and Girls*.

Monday 28 November 2022, 19:00 - 20:30
ArtSocialSpace Brunnenpassage, Brunnengasse 71 / Yppenplatz, 1160 Vienna
This year with a selection of short films on the theme of flight and war.

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[Translate to English:] Konferenzteilnehmerinnen

Syrian Women Leading the Change

Public event on 6 October 2022

Syrian activists* from all over Europe met in Vienna to exchange and network about their work, their daily challenges.

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