In a time of uncertainty and multiple crises, the need for innovative responses to current challenges is becoming increasingly important. The global world order shows that the existing instruments and measures of states and multilateral organizations are no longer adequate. Feminist foreign policy is a new approach. It is a peace policy that focuses on gender equality and marginalized groups.
In recent years, numerous states have decided to shape their foreign policy in a feminist way. Their concepts differ and in some cases set different priorities.
The workshop series aims to shed light on the main features of a feminist foreign policy and show how a foreign policy should be designed in all its sub-areas - security policy, asylum and migration policy, climate policy, economic and trade policy and development policy - in order to meet the claim of being feminist.
The aim is to develop demands that can serve as a basis for civil society interventions with regard to shaping a feminist foreign and development policy for Austria.
Workshop Climate Justice in Focus of Feminist Foreign Policy
Monday, 21 October 2024, 13:00 – 17:00 at Otto Mauer Zentrum
Sheena Anderson (formerly Netzwerk F)
Shonali Pachauri (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis - IIASA)
Workshop report (english)
Workshop Feministische Perspectivs on Asylum & Migration
Thrusday, 27 June 2024 at C 3 - Centrum für Internationale Entwicklung
Judith Kohlenberger (Institut für Sozialpolitik der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)
Sangeetha Manavalan (LEFÖ-IBF)
Workshop report (german)
Workshop Feminist Security Policy - Obstacles & Opportunities
Wednesday, 24 April 2024 at the Diplomatic Academy
Stephanie Fenkart (International Institute for Peace)
Madita Standke-Erdmann (King’s College London)
workshop report (german)
Workshop Feminist Foreign Policy from a Postcolonial Perspective
Wednesday, 29 November 2023 at the International Institute for Peace
with Toni Haastrup (University of Manchester)
workshop report (english)
Kick-off event Feminist Foreign Policy
Tuesday, 28 November 2023 at the Austrian Parliament
Ann Linde (former swedish minister of foreign affairs), Kristina Lunz (Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy), Toni Haastrup (University of Manchester)
report (english)