Green Finance, climate change, finance, climate finance, JEP, Samuel Decker, Johannes Jäger, Lama Tawakkol, Yuliya Yurchenko, Anna Hehenberger, Oscar Reyes, Martina Neuwirth

Green Finance going global: Solution or Trap?

Green finance is supposed to fund the fight against climate change. But who really wins? Authors of the latest Journal of Development Policy provided answers in a webinar.

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Covid-19, vaccine, fairness, equality, human rights, WTO, TRIPS, Carlos Correa, Fatima Hassan

Covid-19 and Global Vaccine Inequality

Views from the Global South

Covid-19 affects us all, but not all equally. Documentation of a webinar on vaccine inequlity, with Carlos Correa and Fatima Hassan.

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Global Alliance for Tax Justice Logo

Global Alliance for Tax Justice nominated for Nobel Peace Price 2021

The tax justice network's "mammoth achievement ... for accountability and fair taxation" are apparently worthy of a Nobel Prize. VIDC has been closely linked with GATJ since its founding in 2013. We are pleased and…

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#web-ET2020! Global inequalities in the covid-19 pandemic.

This year's Development Conference will take place on 13 and 14 November and, due to the pandemic, only online. The VIDC is co-organiser of the conference and hosts the Africa panel.

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© istock/yurchello108

Europe and China: A new Race for Africa during a pandemic

Thursday, 22 October 2020, 17.00 – 18.30 (Zoom Webinar)
The European Union and China compete for influence in Africa - also in the course of Covid-19 support measures. Will this open up new opportunities for Africans?

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Fire in the port of Beirut as a result of the explosion, © Sintia Issa

Corruption, National Bankruptcy and Social Protest - On the Situation in Lebanon

By Helmut Krieger

H. Krieger analyzes the causes of the revolt, which is directed against mismanagement and corruption, as well as the consequences of the influence of regional and global powers through economic, political and military…

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© Shuttterstock/vectorfusionart

Still No Solution to the Global Debt Problem

Austria as a creditor country will also have to act.

Apart from a moratorium, creditors have not (yet) promised any further concessions. Many highly indebted countries have also borrowed from Austria.

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© Shutterstock/Mukururu Media

International Trade and Access to Treatment during a Pandemic

A perspective from the South, by R. Sengupta

International trade has a major role to play in the global financial and economic system. Looking at the Covid-19 pandemic, the trading system has played a major role on how governments cope with the crisis.

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COVID-19: Global economic impact and international response

by Bodo Ellmers / Global Policy Forum

Bodo Ellmers shows the impact of the pandemic on the global economy, what this means for the financing of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how the international community has so far tackled the crisis.

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© Shutterstock/Viacheslav Lopatin

A Matter of Life and Debt

Report on the VIDC webinar of 24 June 2020

During the VIDC webinar, Kristina Rehbein (, Abdul Khaliq (CADTM Pakistan) and Daniel Bertossa (Public Services International) talked about the impact of rising debt levels of many countries of the Global South.

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