COVID-19 in Africa: Economic interest in the Shadow of the Pandemic

Report from the Online Discussion on 18 June 2020

The event provided a better understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic on the African regions and the response by African institutions. Furthermore, it focused on the unequal access to medicine and future vaccines.

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© Lee Russell-NYPL/Unsplash

"Die im Dunklen sieht man nicht?" - The Financial Secrecy Index 2020

by Martina Neuwirth (VIDC)

Corrupt elites, tax fraudsters and tax evation by companies: The Tax Justice Network's Financial Secrecy Index 2020 shows which states attract illegal and illegitimate financial flows through lack of transparency.

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Financial Secrecy Index 2020

Report on the Austrian media presentation on 18 Februar 2020

The Financial Secrecy Index is the most comprehensive and rigorous assessment of financial secrecy worldwide. It ranks 133 jurisdictions according to their secrecy and the scale of their offshore financial activities.

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© africa924/iStock

“People in the informal economy will suffer” - Voices from the Global South on the Corona pandemic

by Lena Gruber (VIDC)

As COVID-19 spreads globally, warnings that the pandemic will cause major challenges for countries in the Global South are getting louder. Colleagues from Ghana, Liberia and Zambia share their experiences and concerns.

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Fair Climate. Green taxes against ecological inequality.

Report on the panel discussion on 20 November 2019

Anke Schaffartzik (BOKU) and Karlygash Kuralbayeva (King's College London) discussed the link between climate change and increasing inequality - and the role of environmental taxes.

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Silenced? Women's struggles in Africa's informal economy

Report on event on 7 Otokber 2019

Across the world, over 60 percent of the workforce is employed in the informal economy. In some African countries it is up to 90 percent. VIDC and ÖGB have invited international experts to discuss the topic.

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