Nobel Peace Prize Laureate: Center for Civil Liberties, Kyiv

By Oleksandra Matviichuk

From the first day of the Russian invasion, CCL worked on documenting war crimes and fighting impunity. In 2022, the human rights organization has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

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No Mission Impossible: Wealth Taxes to Fight Inequality

Marlene Engelhorn and Chiara Putaturo interviewed by Martina Neuwirth (VIDC Global Dialogue)

Millionaire heiress Marlene Engelhorn and Oxfam's Chiara Putataro discuss the impact of wealth taxes on the distribution of wealth. Their call is: "Tax the ultra richt and do it now".

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Hazara neighborhood Dasht-e Barchi in Kabul, February 2023, © Qurban Ali Hassani

#6: Life under the Taliban

Discrimination Against Hazaras in the Taliban’s Afghanistan

In addition to women and girls from all ethnic groups in Afghanistan, members of minorities such as the Hazara community are particularly affected by repression from the Taliban regime.

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Security forces in Afghanistan before the Taliban seized power, © Ali Ahmad

#5: Life under the Taliban

Why are Former Security Forces being assassinated in Afghanistan?

This article by Elhamudin Afghan, a former journalist in eastern Afghanistan, looks at the mysterious increase in killings of members of the former Afghan security forces.

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© Banoo Sweets Store

A guide to Afghan women employment opportunities

A survey conducted before the Taliban took over Afghanistan on 15 August 2021, and updated a year later.

In the first half of 2021, we researched women-led businesses in ten provinces of Afghanistan. A few months after the regime change, VIDC looked at which of these initiatives were still active.

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Stils auf Untravel

Klappe auf!

Animated film evening as part of the 16 Days against Violence against Women* and Girls*.

Monday 28 November 2022, 19:00 - 20:30
ArtSocialSpace Brunnenpassage, Brunnengasse 71 / Yppenplatz, 1160 Vienna
This year with a selection of short films on the theme of flight and war.

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[Translate to English:] Konferenzteilnehmerinnen

Syrian Women Leading the Change

Public event on 6 October 2022

Syrian activists* from all over Europe met in Vienna to exchange and network about their work, their daily challenges.

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“Afghanistan's Strong Women”. One year of resistance against Taliban rule

Event from 3 October 2022

The Second President of the National Council, Doris Bures, hosted an evening of support for the struggle of women for equality and freedom in Afghanistan with VIDC and Women without Borders.

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VIDC: 60 years of dialogue and cooperation

“Nothing happens in the world that does not matter to us!”

On 14 September we celebrated 60 years of dialogue and cooperation with friends and companions! With a speech by former Federal Chancellor Franz Vranitzky, long-time Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the VIDC.

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[Translate to English:] Sahel © promedia

Crisis region Sahel

Background, analysis and reports

Report from the book presentation and discussion on October 4, 2022 with Günther Lanier, Ishraga Mustafa Hamid and Franz Schmidjell

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