My body, my choice! Abortion rights and care. Lessons Learned from Poland, Austria, Mozambique

Report of the online workshop on 30 November 2023

The workshop focused on the nuanced landscape of abortion laws and practices, examining case studies from Austria, Mozambique, and Poland. Experts from the three countries gave insight.

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[Translate to English:] © Joana Adesuwa Reiterer

Voices Uprising

Report about the film "Voices Uprising" and a panel discussion

The film director Joana Adesuwa Reiterer presented a documentary about youth protest and police brutality in Nigeria. It was followed by the panel discussion "The impact of profiling of Black People worldwide".

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Afghan Civil Society Forum in Vienna

Report from 1 - 2 December 2023

The VIDC invited Afghan organizations from nine European countries to a conference to promote dialogue between diaspora groups and people working for peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan.

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K. Lunz, A. Linde, T. Haastrup

Feminist Foreign Policy

Experiences, Potentials and Challenges

On 28 November, Ann Linde, former Swedish Foreign Minister, Kristina Lunz from the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy, and Prof. Toni Haastrup discussed the potential of a feminist foreign policy in Parliament

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A Feminist Foreign Policy - real change for women and girls

By Ann Linde, former Foreign Minister of Sweden, FEPS Special Advisor on Foreign Affairs

In her speech at a VIDC event in the Austrian Parliament Ann Linde advocates for a Feminist Foreign Policy since women and girls – half of the population - still do not enjoy the same rights, representation and resources.

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Climate lawsuits can make a real difference

by Lorena Olarte

Strategic climate litigation operates as a multifaceted approach to bring about systemic change. Globally about 2,500 climate lawsuits have been filed. Communities mostly affected claim compensation.

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A Letter from Yene

A letter from Yene & Terra Mater - Mother Land

Film screening and discussion as part of this human world

Tuesday, 5 December 2023, 18:00 - 20:00 hrs
Top Kino, Großer Saal, Rahlgasse 1, 1060 Vienna
Film screening and discussion about the effects of the climate crisis on the African continent.

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[Translate to English:]

My body, my choice! Abortion Rights and Care

Lessons learned from Poland, Austria, Mozambique

Thursday, 30 November 2023, 17:00 - 19:00 (CET, Vienna), 18:00 - 20:00 (CAT, Maputo), Online via Zoom
with Sylvia Groth (Pro Choice Austria), Santos Simione & Inês Boene (AMODEFA Mozambique), Natalia Broniarczyk (Abortion…

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Usama Al Shahmani - Im Fallen lernt die Feder fliegen

Reading and talk as part of Buch Wien 2023

In his books, the Iraqi-Swiss author Usama Al Shahmani sensitively shows how war and flight have left their mark on people's lives.

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The right to move and the right to stay?! Community decisions in a changing climate

Report from 9 October 2023

Discussion with the researcher Diogo Andreola Serraglio, the activists Rose Kobusinge and Mana Omar from Fridays for Future Africa about the difficulties of human mobility in times of global warming.

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