“Who Speaks for Whom, Volume 5”

Presentation and panel discussion

Time and location

Thursday, 10 October 2024
Entry: 18:00
Start: 18:15
Ballroom, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
Favoritenstraße 15a, 1040 Vienna


The event marks the conclusion of the AEWTASS project on “Optimizing the Representation of Africa”, which has been carried out in cooperation with the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) since February 2023. This project focused on optimizing the representation of the African continent and diaspora in the educational context. During this period, the AEWTASS teams independently developed didactic materials, organized practical workshops, and carried out the most extensive scientific study on the representation of the African continent ever undertaken in Europe.

The fifth edition of the event series in cooperation with the VIDC addresses the tension between  representation, discursive power, and the actual implementation of such initiatives. We will explore who speaks for whom in various contexts and the challenges of implementing these initiatives.

Questions that are highlighted

  • What role does the representation of the African continent play in Austrian school books and educational materials?
  • How can we ensure that African /Diasporiana voices are authentically represented?
  • What challenges and opportunities arise in developing anti-racist perspectives in education?
  • How can education policy be made more inclusive and diverse in the long term?


Entry: 18:00
Welcome: Stefan Lenglinger, Journalist
18:15 Introductory remarks: Michael Fanizadeh - VIDC - Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation
18:20 Keynote: Rossalina Latcheva - Head of the Anti-Racism and Non-Discrimination Sector, EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)
18:30 Statement on the development of the teaching materials: Team ((Re))-imaging Africa / ((Re))-flecting Realities
Presentation of the results of the AEWTASS textbook analysis
19:00 to approx. 20:30 Discussion with the panelists:

  • Stephanie Godec - Department of Education & National Coordinator ASPnet (UNESCO Schools)
  • Philipp Mittnik - Head of the Center for Civic Education at the University College of Teacher Education Vienna (PH Vienna)
  • Petra Paumkirchner - Head of Secondary Education, Westermann
  • Irene Schickl-Schmitz - Project Officer, Austrian Development Agency (ADA)
  • Jan Sisko - Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research